Worm Developmental Dynamics Database 2

Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics, Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research

Locus par-1 / ORF H39E23.1 Detail

ID 331
ORF H39E23.1 (WormBase: H39E23.1)
Locus par-1 (WormBase: par-1)

Related RNAi experiments

Results: 13

ID Chr. locus orf injectino No. Visualize (Test) Download Image (LIF) Download Quant. (BD5) Num. of Eggs Num. of Embryos Num. of Hatchs
3832 V par-1 H39E23.1 1 NA NA NA None None None
3824 V par-1 H39E23.1 1 NA NA NA 10 10 0
3825 V par-1 H39E23.1 2 NA NA NA 6 6 1
3826 V par-1 H39E23.1 3 (Vis) RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_01.lif RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_01_bd5.h5 14 14 0
3827 V par-1 H39E23.1 4 (Vis) RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_02.lif RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_02_bd5.h5 24 24 0
3828 V par-1 H39E23.1 5 (Vis) RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_03.lif RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_03_bd5.h5 18 18 0
3829 V par-1 H39E23.1 6 (Vis) RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_04.lif RNAi_H39E23.1_130312_04_bd5.h5 21 21 0
3830 V par-1 H39E23.1 7 NA NA NA 8 8 0
3831 V par-1 H39E23.1 8 NA NA NA 13 13 0
3833 V par-1 H39E23.1 2 (Vis) RNAi_H39E23.1_100203_01.lif RNAi_H39E23.1_100203_01_bd5.h5 20 20 0
3834 V par-1 H39E23.1 3 NA NA NA None None None
3835 V par-1 H39E23.1 4 NA RNAi_H39E23.1_100203_02.lif NA 13 13 0
3836 V par-1 H39E23.1 5 NA NA NA None None None